For many people trying to diet down (especially after discovering that the “quarantine 15” is a real phenomenon!), it can be a frustrating process. You might feel like you’re eating the right things and exercising enough, but you’re not seeing the results you want to see. Oftentimes, this is caused by unassuming foods (or a lack of nutrients that you need) that derail your diet.

Washington Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing looks at five sneaky reasons why you might not be losing weight even though you’re trying.

  1. Lack of Protein in the Morning

Starting the day with a meal high in protein will allow you to burn more calories throughout the day and preserve lean body mass at the same time. Taking in enough protein will also cut midmorning cravings and lower stress and fatigue levels throughout the day.

  1. Distract Yourself

Dieting can be hard, especially when you are craving something late at night or in a scenario where you would have indulged in the past. But there is a connection between your eating habits and your mood. Practice gratitude and find something else to focus on when you might be feeling these cravings.

  1. Waiting Too Long to Eat

You shouldn’t wait until you’re extremely hungry to eat. This will almost always lead to overeating or making bad food choices. Focus on eating more meals per day but making them smaller. Structuring these times and planning ahead for what you’re going to eat can help in this.

  1. Enjoying Too Much Alcohol

Winding down with a drink at night can come at a cost. One glass of wine is around 125 calories, while beer and mixed drinks can be much higher than that. Too much alcohol can also affect your sleep and throw off your eating schedule the next day.

  1. Non-Alcoholic Drinks Can Be Bad Too

With the exception of black coffee, unsweetened tea, and water, most other drinks are going to add to your calorie total and sugar intake. Soda is very high in sugar, diet soda has chemicals that can actually cause you not to feel full (leading to overeating), and your morning coffee drink may also be setting you back on the calorie wagon before your day is even getting started.


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